Medical Equipment Performance Verification
“Throughout the lifetime of medical equipment in clinical use there is a need for regular assessment and testing of the medical equipment to ensure it is safe and continues to be safe for its intended clinical application. It is also likely that medical equipment will, from time to time, be subjected to various corrective or preventive maintenance activity.” (AS/NZS 3551:2012)

Performance verification testing shall be performed:
- Prior to placing new medical equipment into service (including fixed or permanent medical equipment)
- Following and engineering work that could effect safety, and;
- At routine intervals during the life of the medical equipment as previously determined during medical equipment acceptance.
The medical equipment shall be tested in accordance with the appropriate test procedures, which were initially defined and documented at the time of medical equipment acceptance. The test undertaken may vary depending on the medical equipment under test, usage, and location of the medical equipment, and ready access. (AS/NZS 3551:2012)
We recommend testing annually to ensure compliance with AS3551, RACGP, and AGPAL requirements.
Our Biomedical technician can help to review all of your medical devices and provide you with a recommendation for the appropriate tests Procedure and the frequency of testing for each device will be based on Manufacturers’ specifications.
A validation and safety report will be issued for each device individually base on our Calibrated test equipment outcomes.
Routine testing and validation ensure that your medical devices are performing Accurately and provide patients and owners peace of mind while maintaining practice accreditation.